Monday, January 20, 2014

I love being a missionary!!!!

I'm so grateful for this gospel. Goodness. It just blesses lives EVERY DAY!!!! This week felt REALLY long and I don't even know why. We have been biking basically every single day and wowee, I am really getting into shape guys. We had to bike up this HUGE hill and my tiny little bike was just struggling. My legs were screaming and I honestly felt like falling over again (This time. On purpose). Once I got to the top and saw the beautiful view of the sunset and the downward hill, I was so relieved. It made me think about life and how Heavenly Father works. Sometimes, in the moment when times are hard and you just want to give up, God always gives us the extra push that we need to reach to the top. I'm so grateful for Him.

We met with Lisa again this week. She is such an amazing lady! She told us that she has been reading from the Book of Mormon and even sleeps with it because it gives her so much comfort!! She was explaining to us that she just turned to a random page in Alma and the scripture was an answer from God to her! She felt like it was perfectly for her! She turned to Alma 36:27 and started to read it as tears strolled down her face. The spirit was so strong in the room. Lisa then began to tell us that she doesn't understand why she always starts crying whenever we come over. Sister Sheffer and I just looked at each other and smiled. We started to explain the Holy Ghost to her and she was so interested. It was amazing!! She told us that because of us, she has felt PURE happiness that she hasn't felt in a really really really long time. Ah. She is just the best!! She has been through so much and really wants peace in her life. Wanna know something sad? She moved this past weekend to Jasper, AL :( BUT she said she will contact the missionaries up there :) I sure hope she does!! I truly feel like she is one of those people that I totally was meant to see. Ah, it's so cool to see how Heavenly Father leads us to those who are prepared!!!!

We had an investigator come to church yesterday!!! Her name is Mally and she is this hilarious and very talkative 66 year old I am obsessed with her. For example, on her 65th birthday, she jumped out of an airplane!!! Her daughter is a member of the church, but is not active. The missionaries have been teaching her for a really long time, but this is the first time that she has ever come to church!!! She loved it and everyone was really nice to her. She wrote down a lot of questions which was awesome!! Wanna know something embarrassing? So we sat smack dab in the middle of the congregation during sacrament meeting and I had to go to the bathroom SO BADLY the whole time. I drank two large cups of water before church because my throat was hurting. It felt really hot in the chapel and I honestly felt like fainting. I was trying so hard to just sit there and listen because I wanted Mally to have a good experience. My face started to get really hot and I just started sweating. Ah. It was awful. Then, one of the members from the stake got up to speak and I finally just couldn't take it any longer. I just booked it to the bathroom and then got some fresh air. Ah, I'm just such an embarrassment. Mally didn't seem to mind haha. She is like my 3rd grandma and always wants to feed us and give us rides everywhere. She is really an inspiration. Her daughter has three boys. One boy is 7 and has cancer. The 5 year old is autistic. The 9 year old literally has half of a brain and the doctors can't find a cure to stop the brain from shrinking. It is amazing to see such strength within the family. It really is such a humbling experience to see all three of them and how happy they are despite their struggles. Anyway, we hope Mally will be baptized soon! She is great and is full of a lot of questions. We are just hoping that she isn't just doing this to learn more about our religion instead of acting upon what she is learning.

We contacted a referral that we got from a ward member to see this lady named Andrea. She invited us right in and was super warm and welcoming. We had a little bit of small talk to get to know her and then she just started to POUND us with all of these doctrinal questions and then brought up a lot of things that really just threw the spirit out of the room. It was awful. She asked us how we could believe in the Book of Mormon when there is no evidence of the plates anywhere and blah blah blah. Sister Sheffer and I just boldly testified and she had nothing to say after that. She just said, "Well. I really feel bad that you are out here for 18 months wasting your time." Anyway, it was not a fun experience, but it made me learn the importance of having a testimony and sharing it. Fun times. Fun times.

We drove down to Huntsville to visit one of our investigators, Tasha. As we knocked on her door, her neighbor opened his door and popped his head out. When he saw us, he quickly mumbled, "WHO ARE YOU? MORMONS? PRESBYTERIANS?" We were startled and just said that we were mormons. He ran out of his house and came over to us. (Tasha never answered the door). He then said, "YOU HAVE A BIBLE? I NEED A BOOK. I WAS WATCHING A SHOW. A SHOW ABOUT JESUS. THIS IS REVELATION. I NEED THAT BOOK." We gave him a Book of Mormon and he quickly grabbed it and went inside as he shouted "BLESS YOU!" Sister Sheffer and I just started laughing to ourselves and both of us said, "what just happened????" hahhaha He was definitely on some sort of drugs. So fun. :) I LOVE ALABAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, there is never a dull day here. People are just so funny and I love them all so much.

On thursday night, we asked a less active couple to "host" the scripture study class at their home. It was awesome! They told us their conversion stories and we all ate cheesecake. THEY CAME TO CHURCH YESTERDAY!!! WAHOOOOO!!!!! I was so happy to see them:)

Oh, really cool story. So a week ago, we met this guy named Thor (yes. that's his name. He is as cool as his name). He didn't seem too interested in the gospel, but he was really nice!!! We left him a Book of Mormon and he said he would read it. He didn't set a return appointment with us or anything. This past friday, we saw him at the grocery store as we went there to find people to teach. He awkwardly talked with us and still didn't seem too interested. Then, on saturday night, HE TEXTED US AND ASKED US WHEN WE COULD MEET WITH HIM FOR A LESSON!!!! wahoo!! We taught him yesterday and he is very open. He basically just wants to learn the truth and doesn't want to be forced into anything. His wife is having a baby any day now and he told us that he prayed with his wife to see if they should meet with us or not. I'm not too sure about him and his progress yet, but I know that one day, it will just "click" with him and he will want to progress in the gospel!!!

I'm so grateful for missionary work! I was reading Alma 26:16 this morning and I just love this verse so much!!!! Ammon is just a powerful speaker and teacher. I love when he says, "who can glory too much in the Lord?" That phrase is so true!!! I feel like we, as people, naturally NEVER get tired of talking about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I think that's why missionary work is so great! I really just never get tired of it because I really do see the change in people. I love seeing people smile when we talk about Jesus Christ.

I love y'all so much!!! Thanks for all that you do for me :)

Sister Platt

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